Saturday, January 25, 2014

Feel the bun kicking for the first time, I think

I'm at my 15w/5d today and I think I felt our baby's movement for the first time! I'm not very sure though coz it might be just gas rumbling or simply due to the abdominal stretched.

So I was lying on bed chatting with Danny on whatapps, then suddenly I felt a tapping sensation from inside my tummy. I thought it was my shorts that is too tight causing the discomfort so I took off the pant (:p). Then I felt it again! I think BB was happy because I just had a very hearty meal. The feeling was so amazing I just dunno how to describe it. I told Danny immediately and it might sound silly but next thing I know I found myself tearing, blame the pregnancy hormone again. Hehe

Bb, u must behaved guai guai in mummy's tummy o. Daddy and mummy can't wait to see u in July and we promise will shower you with loads of love.

P/S :
So the "kick" I felt wasn't the real baby movement. lol. Coz I didn't feel it anymore after that until I'm at week 21 which is few days ago. I finally felt the real quickening few days ago and this time I'm confirmed.

It's not a tapping sensation like how I described previously, instead it's like popcorn popping or hunger pang. And while I put my hand on my tummy I can actually feel it! It's so amazing and I just can't help to giggle everytime I feel it. It's just soooo amazing I have no other better word to describe it.

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