Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I had an appointment yesterday after work. And considering the rush hour, I chose to take LRT. I parked my car at my friend's house which is just a walking distance to the LRT station. After the appointment, when I planned to get back my car from my friend's place, then I realize I had too high expectation on my sense of direction, I can't remember where is my friend's house. Then I called my friend and she is having her dinner with her bf. When she is about to direct me the way via phone, my hp's battery was died off. Walao, it was around 7 or 8 at night. I was lost in the housing area. I know it is funny but don't laugh, I was so helpless and scared during that time. I was so alert on any motorcycle pass by me and I hold my beg so tight in my arms. My leg strain due to the high heels i was wearing. I wandered around the area and try my very best to recover my memory, but everything just seems like a dejavu for me. On top of that, my car doesn't have alarm which I have to walk until the end of each path to find my car. It was so terrible. I don't know how long have I been walking, then suddenly, there is a car stop next to me, it was my friend's bf!!! My friend asked him to look for me after the disconnection of our phone conversation. I am so touching and felt so paiseh also for bringing troubles to them, haha..Anyway, Joey, if you are reading this, thanks a lot ya.. haha.... It was a terrible experience to me.

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