Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Mum, it's Mother's Day again. This is the day which brings me down as it makes me miss you even more; Mother's Day has became so meaningless to me since you left us. It saddened me each time I think of you, so I hold myself from recalling the precious moment we spent, putting away my journal which has so many stories about you, and stop looking back your photos as well. Honestly, it helps, it's true that I have walked through the grief and the loss doesn't depress me so much anymore. But I started to worry now, it seems like the memory we shared is fading away day after day, I'm afraid I can't recall how you looks like anymore, and I'm afraid I have no stories to tell my kids in future about their grandmother. Mum, I don't want to forget about you, I want to put you in my heart forever, and remind myself you are always my star and the person who loves me the most on Earth. Till then, I realize I'm still missing you terribly. Mum, I love you. Happy Mother's Day.

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