Time flew, after 4 months since I decided to buy the Aseana Puteri condominium, now the CF is ready and it's time for me to collect the key. The feeling is very complex, definitely I feel very excited, but I feel very tension too. These few days I keep pondering on how to renovate my condo to a cozy little house, while at the same time how to spend wisely to cope with my limited budget. Luckily I have very helpful family/friends/colleagues that provide me lots of guidance, I really appreciate that. First thing I need to do now is to check the defect and wait for the defect to be fixed, then I can start the renovation!!! hopefully everything will goes smooth..

The living hall, dining area, and the balcony.
View from my balcony. I can see my nephews and nieces from here when they come for swimming. Hehe.
The kitchen cabinet that comes together with the unit, hopefully I can make full use of this when I move in. :)
The 落地玻璃 in my master bedroom.. I like it so much.. ^__^

wah wah wah ... so nice to have glass window which can see the view,esp at night..wahh so romantic ..think oni feel so romantic liao..haha .. Can see swimming pool sumore .. How i wish I have mine too !!!
:)~ nice house.. It already looks great without renovation and I'm sure it's gonna get better.
Remember to invite me for housewarming k.
very nice house le... haha... can exchange ar? kkekeke...
dear. plz do not hesitate to ask for my help ya... Ganbate neh... cant wait to visit ur house n swimming pool. ;p
the view outside not bad wo....good good!!! i also love the glass window...my house do not have, but onething i insist, my house must have crytsal light!!
welcome to the neighbourhood, neighbour!
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