Me and my ex-colleagues from Ladbrokes plan to climb the Mount Kinabalu next year, thus we gotta start training ourselves to gain better stamina. I am taking up lots of sports lately including badminton, futsal, tennis, squash and even golf. Haha, a bit too extreme ya, but no doubt it is very fun. Although I am not good in sports but I like hanging out with good buddies while sweating it out on healthy activities.
Besides doing sport activities, we also decided to have some outing such as jungle trekking, jogging or hiking bi-weekly. And there we went for jungle trekking in FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) last week. I never realize there is such a nice place which is just situated in Kepong to keep us away from the daily concrete jungle and embraced by the nature. We spent around 4 hours for the whole track including the tree-top canopy walkway which features a 200m hanging bridge and built 20m above the ground. Really love it.
The 200m canopy walkway which built on tree tops

wa wa wa ..so nice la ..i also wan to go !! haha .. good that you have such lifestyle..so healthy and so meaningful. so many stories to tell also next time :)
Good to see people enjoying the outdoors at FRIM. And a nice outing to share with friends on the web. For more adventure around KL, check out my website www.nature-escapes-kuala-lumpur.com and let me hear about your adventures.
hehe... nice activities... i think Fa Fa club shdnt always gather to eat oni... we shd do some exercise la... ;p
hehe, I can alwasy organize for you girls one, but you all always so occupied and hard to gather everyone together.. We never meet for such a looooonnnggg time already la, miss you all so much.
很悠闲的时刻。。。really long time no doing this such of things...hahaha
wei..this FRIM too kacang lah.. u should try gasing hill and batu caves. batu caves 5 rounds up down = kk (^_^).
ya, I been to Gasing Hill too, it's more challenging than FRIM, but I think FRIM is more fun to hang out with friends. Hehe, but I never been to Batu Cave yet, maybe will try one day. :)
haha u should try.. i heard friends before they climb KK mountain train at Batu caves first many rounds :P..else u more adventurous go to Cameron Highlands to jungle trek. They have quite good jungle trek. Quite as tough as KK :P. Summore air cooling you won't feel tired..
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