We've learnt how to discover the true beauty of the one we love from the first two classes, and the 3rd class is about what does marriage really means in Catholicism; hence the "God and Marriage".
Catholicism view marriage as a permanent
and life long commitment between a man and woman; and it's one of the deepest sources of happiness. Our Father asks us to believe that marriage is of the utmost importance to Him because He wants so much for His child. He wants us to fulfill each other's deep human need to love and to be loved... for a lifetime.
I don't want to get into too much details of the Catholicism. Nonetheless regardless of your religion, it's a beautiful thing to have a special person to go through your life journey with you; and you will be longing to be present in his/her life journey of "worse, the poverty, and the sickness" as part of the wedding vows. Marriage is not just a piece of paper, it's for you to realize what it is to be "bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh", it's holy and it's lifelong.
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