I am surprised by myself when I realize I have been using the same handphone for 3 years. Actually I still don't feel like changing one until boh-bien my hp can't even serve its purpose of being a handphone - which is to receive and make call; thus I have no choice but with great sorrow to certify its' death.
So here's my choice after few sleepless night, seriously, I have been thinking soooooo long to decide which phone I wanna buy. Haha. I know, damn aunty la me..
So, as a result.... from this -->
TA-DA !!!!!!
Hehe, so far I'm very happy with this my new toy. It's more than a phone and I can't take my eyes and hands off it since the day one I bought it until now; especially the instant uploading of photos to facebook as well as the gamesssssss!! Love it.
Besides a new hp, I also got a new netbook!! Hohoho, it's a HP mini! It's so cool and portable, best match with itune to download apps to my iphone, hahahaha; and the best thing of it? It's FREE! It's a complimentary gift from TM as I sign up the Streamyx 1MB for 2 years. Hohoho, I'm such a smart consumer isn't it? Hmmm, well, actually it's Danny because he is the one subsribe this package. :P
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