It's been a long while I didn't do any exercise since I come back from the Mount Kinabalu; except the weekly badminton session with my colleagues which is always a long queue to wait for my turn to play. I guess that's enough of "recovering" from my KK trip(I know, that's a lame excuse) and time to kick start my momentum again. Another reason being is I am so guilty with my diet lately; as instance, I had Korean BBQ, Pork Knuckles with bacon and ham (slurp~), then Kenny Rogers and Salted Herbal Chicken for my dinner 4 days in a row!!! I seriously gotta move my ass to shed away all those extra gained fat. So, to put my word into action, I tag along KTV and went to tennis and squash at my place today!! w00t !! Keep it up Tammy!
keep it up !! me too me too :P be super lazy ...hehe
hehe, ya. then we ganbate together.. tag along Chrys la..
Keep it up, Tammeh!! Your post made me realize that I haven't exercise for a month already since I got fever on my birthday :(
Time to start again!!
yeah, let's go futsal!!
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