It is my long awaiting trip to Singapore for the Cats musical and of course, for catching up with Eunice and Lily. Too bad Chrys unable to join us, else it will definitely double the joyous.
It was just a short trip that last for 2 days, a bit rushing though, but it was indeed a contented trip. We shopped till we drop on the first day, and got back to hotel at 11pm++. Both me and Lily were so exhausted and our legs damn strained, yet we never fail to finish spending the SGD we brought, haha, it's been a long long time I didn't do such a crazy shopping spree. I bought 3 dresses, 2 shorts, 1 skirt, 2 tops, a pair of shoes and a handbag! Wow, I didn't realize I bought so many stuff until I pack my luggage at night.

At night in the hotel, 3 of us chat for whole night long until Eunice finally gone "unconcious", hahaha. The next day, we went to the church with Eunice in the morning for the Easter celebration and rush to Esplanade after the church service for our highlight of the trip - the Cats musical!!!! we were so so so so excited.
The show doesn't disappoint us, it doesn't become one of the best-known musical for no reason. It is kinda entertaining, albeit it's quite boring at some part in the first half of the play, but overall it is great. I was so touched when the Grizabella the Glamour Cat sing the song "Memory", and I was amazed by the setting which is a giant junkyard full of cats. I enjoyed the show so much. As well as the whole Singapore trip, thanks Eunice for your hospitality, really good to catch up with you girls again.
So happy neh...

Time flies ~~~ how come time fly so fast ???
It was a wonderful and fullfilling weekend for me :) able to gather with good friends is always heart warming :)
I didn't do much neh .. I enjoyed myself doing shopping too !Must arrange for a next meet up ~ at least something to look forward to ^_^
yalo, the 2 days trip really rushing, but I can't imagine how much we will shop if we spend another day there...hahahaha.. anyway, it was really great trip la, so happy ler, long long time never shop like this already, somemore can chit-chat with u gals for whole night just like wat we used to do.. now we can plan for next outing again, ask Chrys to plan la this time..
Ya, the trip was fun and we could consider to get a bigger room for our next outing in singapore. haha. Thanks bunny and mouse accompany too. I love to spend time with you gals especially listen to mouse and bunny "non stop talking"... muhahaha
ah pooh - plan for another trip le..!!!!
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