KTV just back from Hong Kong and she brought me a box of cotton pad as a souvenir. Yes, it is a box of cotton pad, as a souvenir. She asked me not to laugh when she passed it to me. I didn't laugh, I know it must be a reason for her to bring the cotton pad all the way from Hong Kong. She told me it is the best ever cotton pad she has ever used and she will grab few boxes whenever she saw it in oversea.
This cotton pad is named "Leed Beauty Puff" and is a product made in Japan. I am using it now and I love it so much!! it is a large sheet of fabric, so you can fold it or tear it as anyway you like. Although it is very thin, but it has superb water absorbency, you just need to drip a little bit of your toner and you can wipe it all over your face. And it is just perfect to remove make up especially for eyes, moreover it won't leave those irritating cotton on your face. I really love it so much.
Too bad I can't find it in Malaysia, but I guess the box that KTV gave me can last for quite long since I usually tear one sheet to two. To my dearest haopoh fa, please see whether you can get it for me from Singapore or not. Hehe.

wahhh ...really so good .. okok ill try to locate it since i also feel like trying this thingy ...
By the way, the product is made in Taiwan, not Japan. Or at least that is what the customer service person said if you call the number on the box!
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