Saturday, January 25, 2014

Feel the bun kicking for the first time, I think

I'm at my 15w/5d today and I think I felt our baby's movement for the first time! I'm not very sure though coz it might be just gas rumbling or simply due to the abdominal stretched.

So I was lying on bed chatting with Danny on whatapps, then suddenly I felt a tapping sensation from inside my tummy. I thought it was my shorts that is too tight causing the discomfort so I took off the pant (:p). Then I felt it again! I think BB was happy because I just had a very hearty meal. The feeling was so amazing I just dunno how to describe it. I told Danny immediately and it might sound silly but next thing I know I found myself tearing, blame the pregnancy hormone again. Hehe

Bb, u must behaved guai guai in mummy's tummy o. Daddy and mummy can't wait to see u in July and we promise will shower you with loads of love.

P/S :
So the "kick" I felt wasn't the real baby movement. lol. Coz I didn't feel it anymore after that until I'm at week 21 which is few days ago. I finally felt the real quickening few days ago and this time I'm confirmed.

It's not a tapping sensation like how I described previously, instead it's like popcorn popping or hunger pang. And while I put my hand on my tummy I can actually feel it! It's so amazing and I just can't help to giggle everytime I feel it. It's just soooo amazing I have no other better word to describe it.

Friday, January 17, 2014

While we are expecting our little one #2 - first trimester

I'm always an optimistic person and I thought I will be the lucky one who doesn't need to go through morning sickness in my pregnancy. I WAS SO WRONG! in fact my morning sickness was quite bad I almost cried every few days; not sure it was due to the discomfort from morning sickness or the hormone. 

At week 6, I was still happily telling Lezann and the peeps I am not feeling any discomfort and everyone thought I am so lucky. Then my morning sickness kicks in at week 8 and it totally change my world. I couldn't enjoy any food and I was so fatigue all the time all I wanna do is lay on bed for the whole day. The usual 10-15 minutes walking distance to MRT station is killing me everyday and it's very silly but yes I cried few times while I'm walking home from MRT station. Arghh, blame the hormone again.

I feel so nausea all day, not just morning, I had no appetite to eat yet feeling hungry every few hours. The nausea gets worse whenever I'm hungry, so I had to force myself to eat then put up with the softer version of queasiness throughout the day. I didn't throw up although I'm feeling nausea until I reach week 10, then  I ran to toilet several times a day to puke. However, puking is not too bad as I felt much better after doing so. Just tat sometimes I have to be quick in spotting a toilet whenever I need it.

Then once I entered into second trimester at week 13, the morning sickness just magically gone overnight. One day before I was still hugging the toilet bowl to cry, the next day I woke up and feeling all energetic and wanna eat all the food I can. How funny yet big relief to me, of coz to Danny too. :D

Now I look back, it was just a month that I suffered the morning sickness but it seems like years for me when I was going through it. I'm literally counting day by day and thought I will never get back my normal diet anymore. How silly.

At this moment I'm in my second trimester, I still feeling nausea sometimes, but not too frequent, I can finally enjoy my food; although still not as enjoyable as before pregnancy. I'm still feeling hungry every 2-3 hours. I do have some new symptoms such as rapid heart rate, minor leg cramp and itchy skin. Aside from these I'm feeling energetic, happy, and all positive. ^___^ 

I know I will suffer again when third trimester come, so I better enjoy myself to the max during this period. Continue my queen treatment at home by Danny. :p

Thursday, January 16, 2014

While we are expecting our little one #1 - how we found out

I'm writing this post at my week 9 pregnancy; but I'm probably publishing it in the second trimester :D

It's Chinese pantang to keep it as a secret until second trimester but I just couldn't resist but have told a lot of my friends already as early as week 6. lol.. Anyway, at least I'm not announcing it on FB. :p

So how did we find out? It was during my trip to HK. Since I've been TTC (trying to conceive) for some times, I actually bring along the pregnancy test kit with me because my period will be due during the trip. :p

The day before I tested it, Danny and I went to the famous Wong Dai Sin temple and I "kao chim" and asked when will I have a baby, the chim said it will come in autumn. Then the next day I tested with pregnancy test kit and it return positive. Amazing or not? It's really autumn in lunar calendar lo..

The reason I so gan jeong to test it was because we actually planning to attend the wine & dine festival in HK, and I wanted to play safe not to drink if I were pregnant. So in the end I didn't drink lo, hehe, and thats how Doreen find it suspicious and keep asking if I'm "yao jor". lol

I tested it on tat day my period due, the double lines on the pregnancy test kit was very light. When I showed it to Danny, he just refuse to believe I'm pregnant and didn't show much response. Grrrhh!!! I'm so disappointed, I've been always fantasy on how big reaction can Danny be when he knows tat he is becoming a daddy soon.

Then we return from HK and I tested again with home pregnancy test kit, the double has become very obvious, and we know it's confirmed. Then Danny start becoming all bossy. No cold drinks, no fast food, no instant noodle, no late night sleep and etc. Good side of it, also no house chore… Danny is doing all of it! He do all the house chore, prepare food for me (either tapao or cook by himself), make milk for me whenever I'm hungry and putting up with my temper whenever my hormone acting up. I know I'm such a lucky gal and I'm blessed with a supportive husband.