Saturday, December 29, 2012

Probably the last post of wedding prep

I was on leave for a week. It was a super busy week as expected. We traveled KL-Seremban almost everyday throughout the whole week. @.@

We went to Avillion for the food testing and finalize the dinner thingy. Collected the wedding favor which is a shot glass designed by ourselves :D. Met relatives and friends to give them the invitation cards. Went to church to settle the booklet. Collected photo album which also printed wrongly and gotta send back to the bridal studio for rectifying. Prepare the dowry. Do planning for the actual day rundown. Meet up with actual day photographer for discussion.......

Finally it's the finale of our wedding preparation, can't wait for the party in 2 weeks time. ^_^y

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Life of Pi

Finally watched the Life of Pi; in fact I read this book few years ago but couldn't remember it touched my heart so much as the movie do. 

If you have read some of the explanation of the movie online, you'll probably know the metaphor of the story and the message it want to bring out. Yes, so it's about questioning the existence of God, or rather to me it's about what you choose to believe. 

Pi had a very depressing encounter on board but he tells his story differently with tiger, zebra, hyena and orangutan. Is knowing which story is true important? No, it's about you choose to believe the first story so you make yourself feels better. So, do you still question about the existence of God? Is that really matter? What matter the most is the faith in God and that gives you strength.

Life of Pi gives me the same message as Big Fish; you choose what you believe and you choose your life. Yeah, so life can be boring, tough or even depress; but you choose your way to cope with grief and loss. I chose mine. I'm not a religious person but I chose to believe my parents are still watching me, I chose to believe they know I have got married and they are happy for me, and I chose to believe, one day I will meet them again somewhere up there. 
Quote from Pi : All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye 
pa, ma.. I miss you.. If only I can rewind the time, I want to take a moment to say good bye to you and tell you how much I love you.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

some humble DIY handicraft for wedding :)

If I were to name one hobby I cultivated since I start preparing my wedding, it would be making handicraft. No, I'm still not good in it but I start having fun with it.

So, what exactly have I DIY? here you go..

Thanks to Chai Har, I was introduced this shop called Kaison in Paradigm Mall. I bought the items above in this shop and it's quite cheap. The flowers cost RM3.50 for a bunch of 6 stalks. The bird cage Rm28.90 and the flower basket? RM4.99!! 

Then I bought the other materials shown above mainly from Daiso - glue gun, ribbon, "fur thread", and fake flower pedals... Of course it took me many times of retry and here's the end products...

The cost for all the 4 flower baskets above are less than RM50.. or not RM40.. It will be used by Danny's and my nieces as flower girls while we walking down the aisle at our Church wedding ceremony. Although it is not as pretty as those selling in wedding shop, but imagine how much have I save from the 4 flower basket above which each of it can easily cost RM20-40 from the shop. And the best thing is I can design it all in pink to match with the dresses of my flower girls. :)

The time consuming part is the ribbon which stitched up like lace then glue on the edge of the basket later on. I remember I did this until 4am! yawn~~ it remind me why I didn't like doing handicraft. :p  

Next, is the bird cage. I got the idea of using bird cage as ang pow box from internet. All the materials I bought to decorate the bird cage are inexpensive. Aside from the bird cage itself, I bought the flower with leafs from Daiso which cost only RM5, then the card board and blue felt which all cost only few ringgit. This DIY is super easy, just circle the bird cage with the flower and blue ribbon in the center, then cut the two love birds from felt and "D" and "T" from cardboard. The difficult part is to find the blue flower which I have been searching for many many shops before I found it from Daiso in IOI. Blue simply due to my dinner theme colour is in baby blue. :)

Actually at this point I'm pretty much done with my DIY idea after the two items above. Until I find myself with extra 300++ invitation cards at home due to the printing error from my printing shop. Before that, the design of the wedding invitation is from Danny and me as well with the idea from internet. Then I don't know shall Danny and I considered ourselves lucky or what, but the printing shop has done some mistake of the printing TWICE! End up they reprint the cards for us TWICE (thank god for free) and that's how we got the extra 300++ invitation cards with us. While I'm complaining the  printing shop to Chrys when I gave her the card, thanks to her by giving me idea in making paper fan with the extra cards. :D

At first I wanted to use the ice-cream stick which apparently called wooden spatula, but find out it's too thin to hold the card firmly, then I came out the idea to use the "wooden stick used by doctor to examine throat" which apparently named tongue depressor. LOL... see how much I learnt from doing all these handicraft.

Here is only about 10 finished products and I'm gonna work really hard the next time I return to KL to finish the rest of the 300. @.@

Now I still have lots of left over ribbons and thinking to make some corsages with it. I've tried making few but it's all .. errrhhh.. unlovely.. Still finding ideas and let's see will I give up in the end, hehe :p