Finally watched the Life of Pi; in fact I read this book few years ago but couldn't remember it touched my heart so much as the movie do.
If you have read some of the explanation of the movie online, you'll probably know the metaphor of the story and the message it want to bring out. Yes, so it's about questioning the existence of God, or rather to me it's about what you choose to believe.
Pi had a very depressing encounter on board but he tells his story differently with tiger, zebra, hyena and orangutan. Is knowing which story is true important? No, it's about you choose to believe the first story so you make yourself feels better. So, do you still question about the existence of God? Is that really matter? What matter the most is the faith in God and that gives you strength.
Life of Pi gives me the same message as Big Fish; you choose what you believe and you choose your life. Yeah, so life can be boring, tough or even depress; but you choose your way to cope with grief and loss. I chose mine. I'm not a religious person but I chose to believe my parents are still watching me, I chose to believe they know I have got married and they are happy for me, and I chose to believe, one day I will meet them again somewhere up there.
Quote from Pi : All of life is an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye
pa, ma.. I miss you.. If only I can rewind the time, I want to take a moment to say good bye to you and tell you how much I love you.