It was a long weekend due to the Hari Raya holiday. Danny and I decided to go to the Bagan Lalang beach to escape from the concrete jungle. It was less than an hour drive from Puchong and we reached our destination about 3pm. It was pouring in the morning, thus it's not too hot and just perfect for a kickabout on the beach.

Bagan Lalang beach is more known as Sepang Goldcoast to public which is the name of the development of the luxury villa that line the beach. The development is still under construction and that makes the beach YET TO BE commercialized and polluted. It is indeed a nice and clean beach.

The beach was crowded on this day. It was during the ebb tide and most of the people were playing kites on the beach instead of swimming. Apart from that, some were having picnic and BBQ, and even parachute! After a long walk on the beach, me and Danny bought Ramli burgers and enjoy it under the colourful-kite-filled sky. It's just so relaxing, and nom nom nom nom....

After that, we drove to another side of the beach which having some floating atap houses designated for the fishing-goers; and it was another distinguished scene; rather than merry and with loads of laughter, this side of the beach is tranquil and serene. We sat there and doing nothing except watching the tide rising. Aaahhh~~ I felt so great spending a quality time as such. bliss~~

There we laze away the days on the beach until our stomach call for the food. Since we have no idea where to go for dinner, we just follow the GPS to a seafood restaurant which is about 10+ km away and located in Lukut. Along the way, we saw a lot of dragon fruit orchards. The dragon fruit plant is so strange looking just like the fruit itself, we bought some and it's really sweet, even Goppy loves it. :)

After driving on some real narrow road lined by palm oil tree and nothing else, we finally reached that seafood restaurant which is out of no where, however, despites its remote location, there are lots of cars parking outside the restaurant, apparently it is quite a famous restaurant. Again, the GPS did a good deed for us.

What can I say more, the seafood dinner was superb, best served with chilled booze. I miss the bamboo clam which sized like a big fat finger, and the fried sotong which is so crispy and juicy, then the prawn so fresh and nicely cook, and the fried oyster too which we can't finish and gotta pack home for breakfast the next day. :D... We reached home about 9pm and Goppy welcome us with his mad tail wagging, that completes my day :D