除此,我要充实自己的生活。现在的我已改变生活作息了,不再只顾吃喝玩乐,而会抽多点时间陪陪家人,多读一点书,做多一点运动,更多一点时间让自己沉淀。而且我即将在7月开始我的saxophone class,希望在有人指导下,可以让自己的音乐造诣更上一层楼。
The Shrine Hall.. See the crowds?
Here's the registration counter
Peter and I.. Too free while waiting for people come to register themselves.
It is actually very fun to take part in such activity especially if you were a parent, you got the chance to witness how your kid grow up and you can share the precious memory with them. I bet it must be a sweet memory when you look back the old photos one day when they are away studying abroad. Although I am not a parent, but I enjoy having fun with them too. There are so many cutie pies there and it calm my mind when seeing so many innocent faces; the world isn't that corrupted yet huh?
On that event, I saw some parents are just too pamper their kids. Besides, they are too gan jeong about the victory which make their kid so tension; the parents even race together with their kid, need to be like tat meh? It's just a game afterall, just have fun la.